Wednesday 28 September 2011

Pull up a Chair.

Turnaround and you will find that our key man has been appointed Chairman of a Mid-Market Technology Business. Another feather in the Head Turners cap. Keep those fresh ideas coming....

Sunday 25 September 2011

TMS in First Place

Ahead of the game as always - Gordon Matthew won the 25 mile Sponsored Bike Ride today in a record time. Well Done! Those heads were turning as our TMS man sped past to come first out of around 30 cyclists. The ride was in aid of a local charity Shipston Home Nursing, spokes person Rebecca Mawle was delighted with the winner 'Excellent result, thanks for your support'.

Monday 19 September 2011

Back over the Pond

After turning many heads in LA, our key man is back. The Gold's Gym workout regime means he is fresh with ideas to transform those ready and waiting businesses who have been eagerly awaiting his return.

The on-line retailer, the potential health-care merger and acquisition - (to name but 2) are discussing how they can meet their full potential and successfully exploit the opportunities available.

Get in line.....

Saturday 17 September 2011

IT Travel Turnaround Complete

The Head-Turner guru of TMS (Trend Management Services) has successfully completed the business transformation of Comtec (Europe) Limited.

The Investors are delighted and hope that more of their heads are turned in the future.

"Our thanks to you for the hard work and application that you have dedicated to Comtec over the last 12 months. We regard your tenure as a significant success and feel that the changes you have implemented have made it a much stronger business" RJD Partners.

Another Suceesful Project - DONE!