Tuesday 25 November 2014

TMS take Dynamic action...

The TMS pedal power turned up at Dynamic Rides for a well earned expresso shot, to keep the wheels in motion on Head Turna's journey to the top...and beyond!

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Head Turna goes Gaga!

Many Manchester heads will be in a spin this week as Lady Gaga sips tea in town...those Little Monsters will potentially have Head Turna driving in the fast lane, going south!

Tuesday 11 November 2014

Head Turna and the Head Hunters!

Manchester San Carlo certainly sees it's fair share of celebrities but make sure you look over your shoulder tomorrow night, as the TMS turnaround guru will be making a guest appearance with the business hunters...private party people!

Tuesday 4 November 2014

TMS take note of the Swiss life

The TMS team headed to Switzerland last week to see how the super-organised Swiss ensure that everything runs like clockwork! Efficient, cost effective and smart is definitely working in Lugano, Head Turna was impressed!