Tuesday 15 December 2015

TMS in the Bored room...

This week sees Head Turna in a Board meeting every day, the Festive season requires firm leadership and concise Christmastime reporting - 2016 is just around the corner so no one should be taking their eyes off the (snow) ball!

Thursday 10 December 2015

TMS celebrate in Manchester

The TMS board returned to the North following their success at the Deal Makers awards, to celebrate another successful year involving many interesting turns...Several businesses are following the Trend and turning towards TMS to help them recognise their true potential...2016 is filling up fast!

Tuesday 1 December 2015

The Advent Trend...

The start of Advent sees TMS pushing for better, higher results in all business areas - the Trend turkey needs to grow a lot more before the deal reaches the table...The award season is over, Head Turna is now striving towards 2016 targets.